Commitment Pays Off
But how has 2024 been? A year of new beginnings and awards.
December is always a time to take stock and reflect on how things went.
As for the harvest, we can already say that this was a year of quality. Quantity, on the other hand, was limited due to the drought.
We dedicated one day to tasting the new wine, involving all our stores. It was the very first ColliRipaniDay.
We participated in 7 fairs and events, iboth in Italy and abroad, with highlights in Brazil and China.
15 of our wines were awarded by expert panels and juries in national and international competitions. Condivio and 'il vicolo' tied for first place, followed by Castellano and Leo Ripano.
We also refreshed the look of our Olimpus and Toscianello Collections. The ‘settantase77e Collection was also renewed and expanded with the addition of Lacrima di Morro D’Alba. Our collection of olive oils has been rebranded as Terra, a name that encompasses all our condiments 100% italian, including organic, blend, and monocultivar oil. With the 2024 harvest, Terra now includes the new Carboncella monocultivar.
So, what kind of year was it? Certainly a year of great activity and momentum, just like the ones before it.