A Taste of Our Land
With the name Terra we identify our collection of extra virgin olive oils produced by our member farmers.
Among the organic monocultivars, we have the Carboncella, a new addition to our collection that we are proud to introduce, and the Ascolana Tenera. SBoth oils are true expressions of our land and are also extremely precious, as the yield (the ratio between the quantity of olives and the oil obtained from milling) is very low. They both belong to the medium fruitiness category and give their best when used raw.
Our organic blend oil si trova un mix delle cultivar nazionali e locali. features a mix of national and local cultivars. It is a delicate oil, perfect for pairing with fresh or grilled fish and shellfish.
Then there’s our classic blend— a versatile option that pairs perfectly with all the dishes of Italian cuisine.
We love our oil so much that we’ve even dedicated a T-shirt to it, Pane + Olio, and a special box containing the two monocultivar oils.
Whichever option you choose, you’ll be taking home a 100% italia, cold-extracted oil that is carefully monitored at every stage of production, from tree care and harvesting to milling.